Posted by Bobby Cloud on 5/12/2016 to
They giveth and they taketh away. The last few years we have been
seeing some major shifts in the court of public opinion, and for the
most part this has been good. Discrimination in general has been
reduced as we begin to see people for what they are...people. Medical
Marijuana is finally being recognized for what it is, and a lot of
American Citizens are finally able to get there hands on something that
should have never been taken from them in the first place. In other
states we are seeing this taken a step further, and you can now even get
your hands on Marijuana before you are sick...what a concept! Yet we
are seeing a war being waged on the Vape industry just as we are seeing
progress made in other areas in our society. The FDA is doing what they
can to crack down on Vaping even in the face of mounting evidence that
it is indeed a much better alternative to smoking. Sounds all too
familiar to what we have seen happen with other forms of prohibition.
While we have proof staring us in the face that the advent of the vape
industry is a good thing, and we are getting more and more people off of
cigarettes, and others off of nicotine all together, it is looking like
we may have this option taken from us. While I clearly see a strong
case for regulating the products that we inhale, the devices that
deliver these liquids, and the manner in which these are marketed, I
have my doubts that this is all coming from a place of genuine concern.
More often than not prohibition starts with good intentions, and as the
rallying cries of the small minority get louder, and the financial
donations from the corporations that stand to gain the most grow larger,
the honest intentions begin to get lost in the mix.
I hope this is not
the case with what we are seeing with this initial ruling from the FDA,
but my guess is big tobacco's lobbyists may see just enough daylight to
work this to their advantage. Then again maybe we have come far enough
along to see through the lies as we have with other forms of
prohibition and discrimination that were forced on our citizens during a
time in which facts didn't flow so freely. Only time will tell, but
for now we are going vape what we want when we want, and keep our eyes
and ears open for the truth.